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How to find us
Directions from the North & South M5
Leave the M5 at junction 11 and follow the A40 towards Cheltenham. At the Texaco petrol station the road splits A40/A46. Take the right hand lane sign posted Stroud A46 onto Andover Road, which leads onto Suffolk Road. The practice is situated at the end of this road on the right hand side.
Directions from the South M4
M4- Swindon - Cheltenham
Leave the M4 at junction 15. Follow the A419 signposted Gloucester/Cirencester. Remain on this dual carriageway. At Cirencester the road number changes to A417. Continue to follow signs for Gloucester. The road will become single carriageway after a small roundabout. Continue to the Air Balloon roundabout. Take the second exit and turn left immediately after towards Ullenwood/Leckhampton. Stay on this road, go over a double mini roundabout until you come to a roundabout with Norwood Arms pub on your left. Take second available exit onto Bath Road. At the crossroads with traffic lights turn left and myFACE is on your left.
Directions from West A40 Oxford
Remain on A40 into Cheltenham. Turn left into Sandford Mill Road signposted Hospital. At mini round about turn left, over one roundabout and take second exit at second roundabout. At crossroads/ traffic lights go straight over. Practice is on your left.
Car parking
Car parking is available for delegates attending the course at the rear of myFACE. This can be accessed via a small lane located next to 2 Suffolk Road; myFACE spaces are clearly marked. Entry is via our video door entry system, at the rear of the building. Delegate models are able to park in the pay and display shoppers cark park off Bath Road.
Where to stay
Cheltenham boasts a wide range of hotels and guest houses. Please contact us if you would like us to suggest a suitable venue.